Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya Central Rift Valley

Lake Nakuru National Park is situated in central Kenya and is known for its lush wildlife, especially for its large populations of flamingoes. This park protects several species of animals, such as black and white rhinos, zebras, giraffes, Baboons, and many more. This park is also home to over 450 species of birds and is a designated Ramsar site.

Located in the Central Rift Valley of Kenya, Lake Nakuru National Park is a stunning biodiversity hotspot renowned for its spectacular flocks of pink flamingos that line its shores. A diverse array of wildlife can be found here including over 350 species of birds, white rhinos, Rothschild’s giraffes, hippos, and more. Whether you’re a birdwatcher or a fan of safari drives, there are plenty of opportunities to explore the park’s unique landscape and abundant wildlife.

Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya Central Rift Valley

Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya Central Rift Valley Summary

  • Attraction Name: Lake Nakuru National Park
  • Country: Kenya
  • Continent: African
  • Capital Name: Nairobi
  • Language: Swahili, English
  • Currency: Kenyan Shilling
  • Nationality: Kenyan

Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya is one of the most iconic wildlife and landscape destinations in East Africa. The park is home to an incredible array of birds and mammals, including large numbers of flamingos and black and white rhinos. It is also known for its large concentrations of Cape buffalo, a species of game that is rarely seen in most other parks in the country. In addition, the park is located in a beautiful and unique setting, surrounded by picturesque cliffs and the lake. It is a must-visit destination for any wildlife lover visiting the region.

Tell us about Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park is located in Central Kenya, near to the town of Nakuru, in Nakuru County. The park was established in 1961 and is home to over 450 species of both flora and fauna. The park covers an area of 188km² and contains one of the world’s most abundant concentrations of the rare Greater flamingo.

The lake has a number of other waterfowl species such as pelicans, storks, cormorants and ibis. One of the main attractions for tourists visiting the Lake Nakuru National Park is the over 400 species of bird that have been recorded in the park. The park also contains a population of Black and White Rhino and followers of the migration of the wildebeest and zebra are often seen.

Additionally, the Lake Nakuru National Park also contains populations of hyena, cheetah, hippopotamus and various other species of antelope and gazelle. Visitors to the park can also enjoy game drives, walking safaris and guided tours.

What are the things to do in Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya?

Lake Nakuru National Park is a spectacular destination to explore in Kenya. Located in the Rift Valley, the park provides visitors with an impressive variety of both wildlife and beautiful scenery. The national park is known for its huge flocks of pink flamingos, which flock to the lake’s alkaline waters to feed on algae. However, this is not the only attraction of the park, with plenty of things to see and do.

One of the most popular activities at Lake Nakuru National Park is taking nature walks. These are offered by the Park Guides, who provide a great opportunity to explore the park’s habitats and get up close to the rich wildlife. Nature walks at the park can also offer a great opportunity to see some of the elusive species such as the leopard and the serval.

Another great activity to experience at Lake Nakuru National Park is a game drive. Taking a game drive allows visitors to view some of the park’s largest animals, including water buffalo, Rothschild’s giraffe, zebras and more. The game drives are guided, which provide visitors with an opportunity to learn more about the park’s animals and their habits.

For those looking to get even closer to nature, bird watching is an excellent thing to do at Lake Nakuru National Park. Besides the thousands of flamingos, this is home to over 400 species of birds, including the African Fish Eagle. Bird watchers can also view multiple birds of prey, like the Lanner Falcon, which make their home at the park.

Finally, boating tours are offered by local companies and are a great way to experience the lake. Guests can enjoy the incredible scenery while looking out for water birds. Although boating is not allowed in the lake due to the endangered White Pelicans, viewing these birds from boats is still possible.

With its stunning landscape, spectacular wildlife and numerous activities, Lake Nakuru National Park is an ideal destination for a nature getaway. Whether guests are looking to take in the beauty of the lake and its flamingos, go on a game drive or take part in bird watching activities, this national park offers a truly unforgettable experience.

What are the best foods at Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya?

The best foods to try at Lake Nakuru National Park are:

  1. Masai Ostrich
  2. Grilled Tilapia Fish
  3. Roasted Antelope
  4. Pollo con Africana de Pimiento
  5. Roast Beef Skewers
  6. Ugali (Kenyan Maize-based Porridge)
  7. Fried Elephant Stew
  8. Fried termite Mushrooms
  9. Fried Wild Boar
  10. Curried Chicken with Potatoes and Peas

What are the best hotels to stay in Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya?

The best hotels to stay in Lake Nakuru National Park are:

  1. Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge
  2. Nakuru Kati Kati Tented Camp
  3. Mara Springs Safari Lodge
  4. Flamingo Hill Camp
  5. Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge
  6. Rhino River Camp
  7. Lake Nakuru Lodge
  8. Njoro River Camp
  9. Enasoit Game Lodge
  10. Kiboko Luxury Camp by Kicheche Camps

What is the next tourist destination?

The next best attractions in Kenya you must visit are:

  1. Masai Mara National Reserve
  2. Amboseli National Park
  3. Lamu Island
  4. Mount Kenya
  5. Samburu National Reserve
  6. Hell’s Gate National Park
  7. Malindi Marine National Park
  8. Kakamega Forest
  9. Diani Beach

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